The oversight and policy direction of ZAFFICO is provided by the Board of Directors. However, the day to day running of the Corporation's business is a responsibility of the Management team headed by the Managing Director and supported by the Corporation Secretary, Director-Plantations, Director-Business Development, Director-Human Resources, Director Finance, Director Internal Audit, Chief Internal Auditor and Procurement Manager.
The Corporation Head Office is situated at Dola Hill in Ndola while its operations are conducted through Plantation stations on the Copperbelt Province at Ndola, Chati, Ichimpe and Lamba. New Plantation stations include Shiwang’andu and Nakonde in Muchinga Province, Kawambwa in Luapula Province, Lupososhi and Kasama in Northern Province and, Kalumbila in North-Western Province. These Plantations are managed by Plantation Managers.